Management Changes at HEAD acoustics

HEAD acoustics GmbH reassigns two management positions as of May 1, 2023.
HEAD acoustics GmbH reassigns two management positions as of May 1, 2023.
After 34 years with HEAD acoustics, Dr.-Ing. Hans Wilhelm Gierlich, the previous Managing Director and Head of Research in the Telecom Division, is retiring. As the driving force behind the Telecom division, he helped it achieve great success and made it an essential cornerstone for HEAD acoustics. He is decisively responsible for new measurement and analysis methods in speech, communication, and audio quality, as well as numerous standards in this field. HEAD acoustics' undisputed market leadership at the forefront in this area is attributable to a large extent to his tireless commitment and exceptional expertise. HEAD acoustics sincerely thanks Dr.-Ing. Gierlich for his outstanding achievements and remarkable contribution to the company's success and wishes him a fulfilling retirement.
The previous Technical Managing Director Sound, Vibration and Perception, Dr.-Ing. Aulis Telle, will leave HEAD acoustics at his own request on May 1, 2023, to pursue new challenges. Dr. Telle has been instrumental in expanding HEAD acoustics' global leadership position in sound and vibration technology and has brought important organizational and technical innovations to implementation. HEAD acoustics wishes him continued success on his future path and thanks him for his tireless commitment to HEAD acoustics.
New management comes from within the company
The reassignment of the two managing director positions goes hand in hand with a realignment of the organizational structure, which gives HEAD acoustics' successful strategy a new impetus for the future.
HEAD acoustics appoints Mrs. Anne Geller-Gravez, a graduate in business administration, to the newly created position of Managing Director Sales and Marketing as of May 1, 2023. She has been working for HEAD acoustics since May 2018 and was initially responsible for Business Development in the SVP division and, since January 2021, for the Business Controlling of the company. After studying business administration at the University of Regensburg and completing an additional course of study in international business competence, she gained in-depth experience in various industries in technical sales, business, and project controlling, and for many years as a sales manager. Her new area of responsibility at HEAD acoustics includes worldwide sales and marketing as well as technical support for the company.
"Mrs. Geller-Gravez has relevant experience in the field of our customers, suppliers to the automotive industry as well as OEMs and has experience in sales planning and business controlling," says HEAD acoustics founder Prof. Dr.-Ing. Klaus Genuit.
Dr.-Ing. Matthias Wegerhoff will act as the new as Managing Director responsible for R&D and Engineering Services from May 1, 2023. Dr.-Ing. Wegerhoff studied mechanical engineering at TU Dortmund University and later at RWTH Aachen University, where he also obtained his doctorate. During his doctorate, he served as Head of the Drive Technology department at RWTH. Dr.-Ing. Wegerhoff has been part of the HEAD acoustics team since 2017, and already one and a half years later, he was responsible for the area of Simulation and Testing SVP/NVH as a research team leader.
"Dr. Wegerhoff has been part of the HEAD acoustics family for over five years and is thoroughly familiar with all of our technologies. He brings with him the energy and knowledge to master the new task and to move HEAD acoustics forward on its innovative path," says Prof. Dr.-Ing. K. Genuit.
By filling these two important managing director positions with qualified employees of its own, HEAD acoustics is preparing itself for future challenges with energy, stamina, and innovative strength. Prof. Dr.-Ing. K. Genuit explains: "Filling the positions internally guarantees a continuous transition and fast starts, as the structures and DNA of the company are already well-known and familiar."
HEAD acoustics GmbH是全球领先的声音和振动分析解决方案供应商之一。我们在开发用于测量、分析和优化语音和音频质量的硬件和软件,以及客户订制解决方案和服务方面拥有专业的技术和开拓进取的精神,因此在电信领域获得全球认可。HEAD acoustics的服务范围涵盖技术产品的声音工程、环境噪声调研、语音质量工程、咨询、培训和技术支持。HEAD acoustics 位于亚琛附近,在中国、法国、印度、意大利、日本、韩国、英国、美国设有子公司,并在全球拥有众多销售合作伙伴。