ArtemiS SUITE Modules: Custom-tailored Software Platform for the Analysis of Sound and Vibration

ArtemiS SUITE is a modular software platform. The module structure is easy to understand... 

ArtemiS SUITE is a modular software platform. The module structure is easy to understand because we have grouped the modules thematically, avoiding content overlap and dependencies. The finely-grained module subdivision allows for software configurations that you can adapt precisely to the needs arising from various application scenarios.

  • The APR Framework (APR 000) represents the foundation and basis of all interactive ArtemiS SUITE licenses and is always required.
  • Projects and Tools (APR) focus on interactive work with projects and tools, such as Pool Project, Report, Database, Recorder, Decoder, and more.
  • Signal Processing & Extensions (ASP) provide most of the available analyses and add-ons for specific projects (APR) without any functionality overlap. You can access ASP extensions via the interactive ArtemiS SUITE tools, such as Pool Project or Automation Project, as well as via UI-free tools, e.g., via ASX.
  • System integration and extension interfaces (ASX) are programming interfaces for users to integrate HEAD acoustics software into their own system solutions or to extend it with self-developed software solutions.

The following modules are available:

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ArtemiS SUITE is a modular software platform. The module structure is easy to understand because we have grouped the modules thematically, avoiding content overlap and dependencies. The finely-grained module subdivision allows for software configurations that you can adapt precisely to... 

ArtemiS SUITE is a modular software platform. The module structure is easy to understand because we have grouped the modules thematically, avoiding content overlap and dependencies. The finely-grained module subdivision allows for software configurations that you can adapt precisely to the needs arising from various application scenarios.

  • The APR Framework (APR 000) represents the foundation and basis of all interactive ArtemiS SUITE licenses and is always required.
  • Projects and Tools (APR) focus on interactive work with projects and tools, such as Pool Project, Report, Database, Recorder, Decoder, and more.
  • Signal Processing & Extensions (ASP) provide most of the available analyses and add-ons for specific projects (APR) without any functionality overlap. You can access ASP extensions via the interactive ArtemiS SUITE tools, such as Pool Project or Automation Project, as well as via UI-free tools, e.g., via ASX.
  • System integration and extension interfaces (ASX) are programming interfaces for users to integrate HEAD acoustics software into their own system solutions or to extend it with self-developed software solutions.

The following modules are available:

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ArtemiS SUITE Overview

(Code 50000 – 51801)

ArtemiS SUITE is a universal software for sound and vibration analysis. The modular structure enables users to combine various ArtemiS SUITE Projects (APR) and ArtemiS SUITE Signal Processing (ASP) tools into flexible and customizable solutions.

APR 000 Framework

(Code 50000)

APR 000 Framework is the basis of ArtemiS SUITE and connects the various projects, analyses, and signal processing functions to a consistent unit. Its clear user interface enables an easy and uniform control of ArtemiS SUITE compositions individually adapted to the users current tasks. In addition, APR 000 includes several central functions.

APR 010 Pool Project

(Code 50010)

The Pool Project with its project-oriented structure based on the pool principle is a key feature of ArtemiS SUITE. The individual parts of a processing chain are represented in a clearly structured manner, making them easily operable by the user.

APR 020 Report

(Code 50020)

A Report is a central element of ArtemiS SUITE and can be used to present filtered, analyzed, and statistically processed input signals conveniently and with a single click in a customized report. This makes it perfectly suitable for many projects such as Pool Projects, Automation Projects, Standardized Test Projects, Sound Intensity Measurement, or Impact Mesurement.


APR 030 Database

(Code 50030)

Database of ArtemiS SUITE enables quick and easy searching for recordings and analysis results. The Database offers a scan function that regularly performs searches of selected directories (local and network) in the background to update the metadata in the index for data added in the meantime.


APR 100 Compact Analysis Project

(Code 50100)

The Compact Analysis Project of ArtemiS SUITE is ideally suited to provide a quick interactive classification of measurements via an easy-to-use and clean analysis user interface. This makes the Compact Analysis Project an optimal tool for tasks that need to be completed with a few clicks.



ASP 001 Basic Analysis

(Code 51001)

Basic Analysis of ArtemiS SUITE provides users with spectral (FFT, octave, etc.), level, and other analyses to solve demanding product validation and troubleshooting tasks interactively and efficiently in Pool Projects, Automation Projects, Standardized Test Projects, and Metric Projects.


ASP 002 Basic Analysis vs. Control Channel

(Code 51002)

Basic Analysis vs. Control Channel of ArtemiS SUITE provides users with basic analyses which can be calculated depending on different control channels (RPM, force, ...).

ASP 003 Advanced Analysis

(Code 51003)

Advanced Analysis of ArtemiS SUITE provides sophisticated analyses, such as spectral analyses with a high or variable frequency resolution for examining short, transient signals, for using in Pool Projects, Automation Projects, Standardized Test Projects, and Metric Projects.

ASP 004 Advanced Analysis vs. Control Channel

(Code 51004)

Advanced Analysis vs. Control Channel of ArtemiS SUITE provides sophisticated analyses which can be calculated depending on different control channels (RPM, force, ...).

ASP 005 Modulation Analysis

(Code 51005)

Modulation Analysis of ArtemiS SUITE provides the advanced analysis of modulated signals with regard to their frequency, strength, and change over time.

ASP 006 Order Analysis

(Code 51006)

Order Analysis of ArtemiS SUITE provides analyses with several order algorithms for the calculation of sounds containing different signal components induced by a common control parameter.

ASP 007 Octave Analysis

(Code 51007)

Octave Analysis of ArtemiS SUITE enables the use of recursive filters for the calculation of 1/n octave analyses so that time structures are examined precisely and with a high level of detail.

ASP 101 Psychoacoustics -Basic Analysis

(Code 51101)

Psychoacoustics - Basic Analysis of ArtemiS SUITE provides a range of psychoacoustic analyses and single values for analytical description of perceived sound quality.

ASP 102 Psychoacoustics - Basic Analysis vs. Control Channel

(Code 51102)

Psychoacoustics - Basic Analysis vs. Control Channel of ArtemiS SUITE provides a range of psychoacoustic analyses versus a number of different control channels (RPM, force, ...).

ASP 103 Psychoacoustics - Advanced Analysis

(Code 51103)

Psychoacoustics - Advanced Analysis of ArtemiS SUITE provides sophisticated analyses based upon the Hearing Model, such as loudness, roughness, and tonality.

ASP 104 Psychoacoustics - Advanced Analysis vs. Control Channel

(Code 51104)

ASP 104 of ArtemiS SUITE provides several sophisticated psychoacoustic analyses based upon the Hearing Model versus control channels (RPM, force, ...).

ASP 106 Speech Intelligibility Analysis

(Code 51106)

Speech Intelligibility Analysis of ArtemiS SUITE provides analyses to determine the intelligibility of speech and how much noises affect the speech intelligibility.

ASP 201 System Analysis

(Code 51201)

System Analysis of ArtemiS SUITE provides analyses for gathering findings about the dynamic system characteristics of various objects.

ASP 202 System Analysis vs. Control Channel

(Code 51202)

System Analysis vs. Control Channel of ArtemiS SUITE provides analyses for examining dynamic systems which can be calculated depending on different control channels (RPM, force, ...).

ASP 203 Sound Power Analysis

(Code 51203)

Sound Power Analysis of ArtemiS SUITE provides a user-friendly analysis solution for standard-compliant determining the sound power using manual or automated workflows.

Signal Acquisition and Processing

APR 040 Recorder

(Code 50040)

The universal Recorder of ArtemiS SUITE can be used for all types of measurements. From very simple in-between starting and stopping of recordings up to complex tasks supported by the Flow Control, with triggers, by real-time analyses, as well as by the handover to the Report is required for an immediate and automated presentation.

ASP 706 MECALC Support

(Code 51706)

MECALC Support enables the use of the DECAQ series of the QuantusSeries from MECALC with the Recorder of ArtemiS SUITE.

APR 080 RPM Generator

(Code 50080)

Based on an algorithm developed by HEAD acoustics, the RPM Generator of ArtemiS SUITE enables the generation of reference quantities, e.g. RPM, for measurements of small engines or turbochargers for which the mechanical acquisition of the revolution speed is difficult or impossible as well as for other applications.

APR 200 HDF Tools

(Code 50200)

The HDF Tools of ArtemiS SUITE provide the processes Channel Sort Tool, Concatenation Tool, and Merge Tool for the HDF data preparation.

APR 210 Signal Generator Project

(Code 50210)

The Signal Generator Project of ArtemiS SUITE enables the parametrizable generation of signals based on periodic and non-periodic basic waveforms, sweeps, mathematical functions, and existing recordings.

APR 300 Sound Intensity Measurement

(Code 50300)

Sound Intensity Measurement of ArtemiS SUITE enables sound power measurement and determination according to DIN EN ISO 9614 and offers the use of the trend-setting virtual measuring procedure with augmented reality glasses.

ASP 301 Offline Filters

(Code 51301)

Offline Filters of ArtemiS SUITE provides filtering, editing, and pre-processing tools, that can be embedded and applied in Automation Projects, Pool Projects, and Standardized Test Projects, for example.

ASP 304 Batch RPM Generator

(Code 51304)

Based on an RPM Generator template (APR 080), the Batch RPM Generator of ArtemiS SUITE enables reference quantities to be generated in batch mode for many similar measurements. In addition, the RPM generation in batch processing mode can be integrated into an Automation Project (APR 050).

ASP 305 Channel Calculation

(Code 51305)

Channel Calculation of ArtemiS SUITE extends the Calculation Project (included in APR 000), so that each channel can also be processed individually via a script. In addition, Channel Calculation can be embedded in Automation Projects and Standardized Test Projects.

ASP 701 DATaRec 4 Support

(Code 51701)

DATaRec 4 Support of ArtemiS SUITE provides the use for DATaRec 4 frontend systems with ArtemiS SUITE.

ASP 702 MDM Recording

(Code 51702)

MDM Recording of ArtemiS SUITE provides the quick and easy step-by-step performing of openMDM® measurement tasks.

ASP 703 MDF4 Export, ASP 707 MDF4 Import

(Code 51703, 51707)

ArtemiS SUITE MDF4 Export, MDF4 Import - Two Modules for Data Exchange Between HDF and MDF4.

ASP 704 MTS-RPC Conversion

(Code 51704)

MTS-RPC Conversion of ArtemiS SUITE enables the import and export of MTS-RPC files (Remote Parameter Control).

ASP 705 UFF Conversion

(Code 51705)

UFF Conversion of ArtemiS SUITE enables the import and export of UFF files (Universal File Format 58).

ASP 801 Basic Decoder

(Code 51801)

Basic Decoder of ArtemiS SUITE enables to extract signals, such as CAN FD, CAN, OBD- 2, FlexRay, navigation satellite system, pulse, and resolver, to store them as additional dedicated channels.

Automation and Standardized Testing

APR 050 Automation Project

(Code 50050)

An Automation Project of ArtemiS SUITE enables the interactive creation of so-called sequences with which users can process their input data automatically.

APR 220 Standardized Test Project

(Code 50220)

The Standardized Test Project of ArtemiS SUITE enables to define and execute test conditions in order to automatically measure objects in many operating conditions, to perform a range of post-processing tasks, and to present the results in a report.

ASP 302 Data Preparation

(Code 51302)

The Data Preparation of ArtemiS SUITE is used to directly embed several processes for preparing measurement data in Automation Projects, Standardized Test Projects, and Metric Projects.

ASP 303 Statistics

(Code 51303)

Statistics of ArtemiS SUITE offers several statistical functions, such as Min, Max, Average, Sum, Median, to further process input signals, analysis results, etc.

Structural Dynamics

APR 400 ODS Project

(Code 50400)

The ODS Project of ArtemiS SUITE enables users to combine vibration measurement results with 3D and CAD object data in order to conduct a detailed structural analysis of dynamic behavior.

APR 410 Shape Comparison Project

(Code 50410)

The Shape Comparison Project of ArtemiS SUITE enables users to analyze and compare deflection shapes. With this project, users can observe individual shapes, compare simulations with real measurements, and evaluate component modifications.

APR 420 Modal Analysis Project

(Code 50420)

With the Modal Analysis Project of ArtemiS SUITE, users of all levels of experience can easily and efficiently explore the vibration patterns of simulations or test objects. This interactive tool allows for a thorough examination of dynamic behavior without requiring extensive expertise.

APR 430 Impact Measurement

(Code 50430)

Impact Measurement of ArtemiS SUITE enables even unexperienced users to perform impact hammer measurements (Roving Hammer / Roving Accelerometer) for structural analyses.

APR 440 Reference+

(Code 50440)

Perform experimental modal analysis in an easy, streamlined way. Reference+ determines the optimal reference points for experimental modal analyses using artificial intelligence (AI). Along with other innovative automatic features, this eliminates the need for complex interactions, providing a high degree of flexibility at the same time.


APR 610 TPA Data Acquisition

(Code 50610)

TPA Data Acquisition of ArtemiS SUITE enables quick and reliable measurement of transfer functions for a TPA Project (APR 620 is required) using the Recorder (APR 040 is required).

APR 620 TPA Project

(Code 50620)

The TPA Project of ArtemiS SUITE is a fast and easy solution for building a transfer path model and calculating source characteristics and path contributions in time domain. The results can be used for further interactive analysis in Prognoise or to create input data for datasets which can be experienced in the NVH Simulator PreSense for virtual prototyping, troubleshooting, sound design, target definition, etc.

Acoustic Evaluation

APR 110 Playback Filters

(Code 50110)

The Playback Filters of ArtemiS SUITE enables time-domain signals to be filtered in real-time while playback. In addition, the Real-time Filtering for online filtering of binaural signals captured by SQuadriga III can be used in mobile operation.

APR 190 Sound Engineering Project

(Code 50190)

With the interactive Sound Engineering Project of ArtemiS SUITE, undesired noise components can be quickly and easily identified, specific sound components and orders can be selectively removed or synthesized, and target sounds can be created based on the users requirements.

APR 500 Jury Testing - SQala Basic

(Code 50500)

Jury Testing - SQala Basic of ArtemiS SUITE is the core of the modular SQala software. APR 500 can be used to create listening tests scenarios and to perform them as Local Sessions. For performing listening tests in listening studios and Distributed Sessions, ASP 501 and ASP 502 are available.

APR 501 Jury Testing - SQala Lite

(Code 50501)

Jury Testing – SQala Lite of ArtemiS SUITE is a cost-effective alternative to SQala Basic featuring a reduced range of functions and enabling users to create and conduct listening tests with individual subjects (Local SQala Sessions). Further jury testing options are available with an upgrade to SQala Basic.

ASP 501/502 Jury Testing - SQala Net/SQala Server

(Code 51501, 51502)

ASP 501 and ASP 502 of ArtemiS SUITE extend Jury Testing - SQala Basic (APR 500) and can be used to manage and to perform listening tests in listening studios and Distributed Sessions with multiple participants.

APR 570 Metric Project

(Code 50570)

The Metric Project of ArtemiS SUITE enables the modeling of sound metrics consisting of a combination of several weighted single value results.

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